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EDU 100 / 300 - Contexts of Education

Educational Issues Library Research Assignment

Have a look at your assignment details in eClass for examples of educational issues as well as examples of perspectives to explore for your assignment.

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Add Canad* or province name(s) to your search strategy as a separate concept to narrow the search results. (Canad* will search for Canadian or Canada.) For example: Canad* OR Alberta OR “British Columbia” OR “Prince Edward Island”...

Additional Search Tools

Database Search Strategies

Database Search Strategies. 1. For Advanced searching, search 1 idea per search box. 2. Use quotations like "job satisfaction" to find results containing the words "job" and "satisfaction" beside each other. 3. Wildcard: example. wom?n. Results will contain women, woman, and womyn. 4. Truncation. Example: Academi* Results will contain academic, academics, academia and academies. Tip: Check the "Search tips" in any database to find out more! Infographic adapted with permission from the University of Waterloo Libraries.

Peer Reviewed? Academic? Popular?

What makes a publication scholarly or popular? How can you tell?

Here is a great quick comparison chart.  An example of a trade publication in the field of  Education is the ATA Magazine which will be in your search results if you use the Education Multi-Database Search.

For more information, you can also watch the library tutorials in Popular and Scholarly Publication Types


Database Search Tips

Developing a search query can be a challenge, but please consider these tips:

  • Check out a database's Thesaurus to find appropriate keywords for the item for which you are looking. 
  • A longer search query helps databases retrieve more specific resources
  • Using "OR" between terms will retrieve more results
  • Using "AND" between terms will retrieve less results