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Teaching Science

Grade 2 Topic A: Exploring Liquids

Describe some properties of water and other liquids, and recognize the importance of water to living and nonliving things.
Describe the interaction of water with different materials, and apply that knowledge to practical problems of drying, liquid absorption and liquid containment.

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Grade 2 Topic B: Buoyancy and Boats

Construct objects that will float on and move through water, and evaluate various designs for watercraft

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Grade 2 Topic C: Magnetism

Describe the interaction of magnets with other magnets and with common materials.

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Grade 2 Topic D: Hot and Cold Temperature

Recognize the effects of heating and cooling, and identify methods for heating and cooling.

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Grade 2 Topic E: Small Crawling and Flying Animals

Describe the general structure and life habits of small crawling and flying animals; e.g., insects, spiders, worms, slugs; and apply this knowledge to interpret local species that have been observed

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Name of insect (plural) Juvenile 


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