ASM Alloy Center Online
  • licensed for U of A
ASM Alloy Center Online
  • licensed for U of A


See "more" for brief description below about ASM Alloy Center Online

More Info

Alloy Finder: Alloy designations and trade names from around the world. Find key information, including composition, producer, tensile properties, and similar alloys.
Materials Property Data: Mechanical properties, physical properties, and processing characteristics for most industrially important alloys. Find data plotted over a range of temperatures.
Coatings Data: Detailed information for commercial coating processes. Search by trade name, manufacturer, process type, coating type, or key words.
Corrosion Data: Corrosion information for specific alloys in specific environments. Search by alloy or environment.
Data Sheets & Diagrams: Thousands of documents in PDF format, including material data sheets from Alloy Digest and other ASM publications; heat treating data sheets from the Heat Treater's Guides; and time-temperature curves, creep curves, and fatigue curves from ASM atlas publications. All organized by alloy and fully searchable.

Conditions of Use

Use of this product is restricted to members of the University of Alberta community and to users of the Library's physical facilities. It is the responsibility of each user to ensure that they use this product for individual, non-commercial, educational or research purposes only, and do not systematically download or retain substantial portions of information.