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  • licensed for U of A
  • licensed for U of A


Ei Compendex (1884 to the present) provides international coverage of all fields of engineering including related areas of applied science, management, and energy.

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Fields covered include: aeronautics; applied physics; bioengineering and medical equipment; chemical engineering; polymers and food technology; computers and robotics; civil, structural, control, electrical, electronics, and environmental engineering; energy technology and petroleum engineering; industrial engineering; information science; light and optical technology; marine engineering; mechanical, mining, and metallurgic engineering; materials science; nuclear engineering; and transportation.

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Use of this product is restricted to members of the University of Alberta community and to users of the Library's physical facilities. It is the responsibility of each user to ensure that they use this product for individual, non-commercial, educational or research purposes only, and do not systematically download or retain substantial portions of information.