Westlaw Canada
  • licensed for U of A
Westlaw Canada
  • licensed for U of A


Also known as: |Westlaw eCarswell|Westlaw Canada|
Provides comprehensive coverage of Canadian primary law - legislation and court decisions - from across the country and on all legal topics, as well as secondary source commentary on all areas of law, from a variety of Canadian legal journals, books, and other sources. Modules included: BestCase Library; CriminalSource; EmploymentSource; Estates&TrustsSource; FamilySource; IPSource; InsolvencySource; LabourSource; LawSource; SecuritiesSource

Conditions of Use

Use of this product is restricted to members of the University of Alberta community and to users of the Library's physical facilities. It is the responsibility of each user to ensure that they use this product for individual, non-commercial, educational or research purposes only, and do not systematically download or retain substantial portions of information.