The William C. Wonders Map Collection Database is an electronic index to the pre-1995 maps in the William C. Wonders Map Collection. Begun as an electronic version of the catalogue records in 26 historical handwritten binders located in the William C. Wonders Map Collection on the fourth floor of Cameron Library, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, it continues to be augmented by recently acquired and processed pre-1995 maps.
Atlases, gazetteers and other cartographic reference materials are catalogued in The NEOS Libraries' Catalogue. Post-1994 monographic maps and new series in print or electronic format are catalogued in The NEOS Libraries' Catalogue. Some pre-1995 maps may also appear in the NEOS Libraries' Catalogue.
The airphoto collection of over one million items is not included in this database.
This is an Open Access database, and is therefore not licensed exclusively for members of the University of Alberta community. It is available to all external users, both remotely and on campus.