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Mining & Petroleum Engineering

Metal Prices and Indexes

Chemical Prices

Chemical Engineering Plant Cost Index: the CEPCI is located in the "Economic Indicators" section of the journal, Chemical Engineering.  To locate the current CEPCI, do the following:

  • Chemical Engineering (journal)
    TP 1 C51 - Cameron Library (1902 - present)
    1. Click here  to get to issues of the magazine in ABI/Inform.
    2. You will see a box labeled "Search within this publication".
    3. In the Search Box, type "economic indicators" (using quotation marks) and click Search.
    4. "Economic Indicators" are provided on the last page of each issue. Data include: current business indicators and chemical engineering plant cost index.
    5. To get the most current result, click on the "Relevance Sort" tab and change it to "Most Recent First"
    6. Click on the "PDF Full Text" icon to access the latest month's data.

Additional Sources

Petroleum & Oil Prices and Production Statistics