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Teaching Math

Provincial Achievement Tests

Information for students, parents, teachers and administrators concerning Achievement tests in grades 3, 6 and 9.

Includes released test items, examples of standards for student writing, and access to Quest A+ - Alberta Education's digital testing solution. 

LearnAlberta K-6 Curricula & Resources

For access to locked resources on the New LearnAlberta site, sign up for an account. For more information, refer to the user guide linked below.

Mathematics: Program Supports, Alberta Education

  • A scope and sequence (English and French) for the current programs of study outlines the progression of concepts and highlights the connections between strands, topics, and grades.
  • Information on numeracy (English and French) is available through the Alberta Education website. Numeracy is a key component in all subjects and grades.
  • An Additional Support Resources list (English and French) for Kindergarten to Grade 9 Mathematics further supports the teaching and learning of mathematics. This list is updated on an ongoing basis.
  • Current and preservice teachers can access a bursary financial award (see French) to help cover tuition costs for post-secondary courses designed to strengthen their knowledge, skill, and confidence in teaching mathematics.
  • The Alberta Regional Professional Development Consortia are providing elementary mathematics professional learning opportunities (English and French) for elementary teachers and preservice teachers. These opportunities include online resources and archived sessions that can be accessed anytime, anywhere.

LearnAlberta 7-12 Resources

Find student textbooks and authorized teaching resources that are approved for use in Alberta schools.

Additional Support Resources