National bibliographies are produced by national libraries throughout the world through the process of legal deposit. By enlisting and disseminating bibliographic information about the publishing activities of and about a nation or a country, national bibliographies both represent and preserve the public record of a nation's or country's recorded knowledge.
Books-in-print type databases provide information about books that are currently available for acquisition. Unlike national bibliographies, they usually include publications in a particular language, rather than publications issued in or about a particular country. Global Books in Print covers all English-speaking countries, while its German equivalent, Verzeichnis Lieferbarer Bücher, covers all German-speaking countries. Libros en venta en América Latina y España covers all Spanish and Portugese speaking countries.
Please consult the Databases tab to see the list of online national bibliographies and books-in-print databases arranged alphabetically by title.
Please consult the Alphabetical list by country to see all national bibliographic holdings in online and/or print format at the University of Alberta Library.