Books In Print and National Bibliographies

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Books-in-print & National Bibliographies

National bibliographies are produced by national libraries throughout the world through the process of legal deposit.  By enlisting and disseminating bibliographic information about the publishing activities of and about a nation or a country, national bibliographies both represent and preserve the public record of a nation's or country's recorded knowledge.

Books-in-print type databases provide information about books that are currently available for acquisition. Unlike national bibliographies, they usually include publications in a particular language, rather than publications issued in or about a particular country. Global Books in Print covers all English-speaking countries, while its German equivalent, Verzeichnis Lieferbarer Bücher, covers all German-speaking countries. Libros en venta en América Latina y España covers all Spanish and Portugese speaking countries.

Please consult the Databases tab to see the list of online national bibliographies and books-in-print databases arranged alphabetically by title.

Please consult the Alphabetical list by country to see all national bibliographic holdings in online and/or print format at the University of Alberta Library.

National Bibliographies & Books in print - Alphabetical list by country
