Dr. William C. Wonders MA., DR., F.R.S.C. (1924-2011) was a Canadian Geographer whose research interests spanned the human geography of Canada (with an emphasis on the North), the Western United States, Great Britain, and Nordic countries. Dr. Wonders was instrumental in the initiation of the map collection as a vital component of the University of Alberta Geography Department back in the 1960's. Today this collection, which bears his name, is the largest academic map collection in Canada and is a valuable resource for our research community.
Cameron Library 4th Level - Map Collection Floor Plan
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Detailed Public Map Cabinet Contents
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Public Collection
Pre-1995 maps and topographic series are searched using the William C. Wonders maps database.
LC or Library of Congress - post-1995 maps catalogued in Library catalogue.
Regular sized atlases are located next to east windows. Oversized atlases are adjacent to map cabinets.
Air photo indexes - arranged by National Topographic Series (NTS) number.
Archival Collection
Map Archives includes maps and atlases searchable in the WCW database and library catalogue. Archival resources are available for consultation by appointment only.
Contact: data@ualberta.ca