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Teaching Social Studies

Getting Started

This guide is an introduction to finding resources for teaching Elementary and Secondary Social Studies in Alberta schools using sources and services available via the University of Alberta Library.

LearnAlberta K-6 Curricula & Resources

For access to locked resources on the New LearnAlberta site, sign up for an account. For more information, refer to the user guide linked below.

LearnAlberta 7-12 Programs of Study & Resources

  • Scope and sequence (grades k-9­ and  10-12 ­) for programs of study outlines the progression of concepts and highlights the connections between strands, topics, and grades
  • Program Support Resources for grades 7-9, and 10-12 in Social Studies
  • Alberta Regional Professional Development Consortia professional learning opportunities for teachers and pre-service teachers

Education Databases

Developing a search query can be a challenge. Here are some tips to help.

  • Check out a database's Thesaurus to find appropriate keywords for the item for which you are looking. 
  • A longer search query helps databases retrieve more specific resources
  • Using "OR" between terms will retrieve more results
  • Using "AND" between terms will retrieve less results

Social Studies Associations and Journals