This guide is an introduction to finding resources for teaching Science in Alberta schools using sources and services available via the University of Alberta Library.
For access to locked resources on the New LearnAlberta site, sign up for an account. For more information, refer to the user guide linked below.
Consult this document for tips on finding programs of study and authorized resources.
Science (K-6) Curriculum overview
Find programs of study, 4,000+ digital online resources, and authorized resources. Use the top yellow menu bar to select from Programs of study, Resource search, and Authorized resources. Use filters to browse by "language of resource," grade, subject, etc.
Find student textbooks and authorized teaching resources that are approved for use in Alberta schools.
Currently, the recommended elementary science textbooks do not address the majority of outcomes for the Alberta science curriculum, so you will find no resources listed as "student basic" (eg: Innovations in science). We recommend the Edmonton Public Schools series: Science Units for Elementary Teachers (eg for Grade 6), as well as other resources in our sample lists.
To find what textbooks are being used in K-12 classrooms, check the New LearnAlberta website first to see if the program of study for the subject and grade level of interest has been recently updated. If not, consult the Alberta Education Authorized Resources Databases link below. Consult this document for tips on finding programs of study and authorized resources.
Post-2022 Curricula
Pre-2022 Programs of Study: Science. Alberta Education Programs of Study as set out by Alberta Education.
Pre-2022 About Science. Alberta Education In Science students learn about the physical world, ecology and technology. Studying science also helps develop an understanding of the many applications of science in daily life.
Pre-2022 Alberta Science Programs - Topic Summary Chart summarizing topics within Alberta’s science program.
Pre-2022 Connection: Information for Teachers Online newsletter with the latest on the curriculum, authorized resources, assessment, technology, special education, career initiatives, projects and Aboriginal education.
QUESTION: What has Alberta Education chosen for textbooks and teachers resources for each part of the curriculum?
ANSWER: Search the Authorized Resources Database by grade level and curriculum area or check out the Elementary, Junior High and Senior High Science Programs of Study.
QUESTION: Where can I find out what to teach in science?
ANSWER: From the Alberta Education Program of Study documents for teachers.