A vast collection of geographic information from around the globe, including digital maps, apps, and data layers to support your work, as well as get inspiration from how others are visualizing data and solving problems.
A science-based mapping and analysis platform that supports learning, research, and sustainable environmental stewardship.
Free spatial data for countries and global, including boundaries, climate, species, elevation, and imagery that you can use in DIVA-GIS (a free computer program for mapping and geographic data analysis) or other programs.
Data layers that accompany the ArcGIS Desktop Software – requires ArcGIS 10.4 or later, or the latest version of ArcGIS Pro.
A categorised list of links to over 500 sites providing freely available geographic datasets - all ready for loading into a Geographic Information System.
Scientific data (and tools) for research on snow, glaciers, sea ice, etc.
Public domain map datasets for making small-scale maps – featuring tightly integrated vector and raster data available at 1:10 million, 1:50 million, and 1:110 million scales.
A source of global integrated socioeconomic and earth science data.
A global database of high spatial resolution gridded weather and climate data for historical (near current) and future conditions.