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EDS provides cross-searching of all subscribed EBSCO content (database, journals, ebooks etc.) as well as many other UofA databases.
SPORTDiscus with Full Text (1975 to the present) is an international database containing information on sports medicine, exercise physiology, biomechanics, psychology, training techniques, coaching, physical education, physical fitness, active living, recreation, history, and facilities and equipment. SPORT Discus with Full Text contains citations for articles back to 1975, and full text of articles from selected journals as far back as 1985.
Also known as: |Academic Search Premier| Academic Search Complete provides indexing and abstracts for a large number of scholarly journals in a variety of disciplines, and full text for a subset of these journals.
Historical Abstracts with Full Text covers world history from 1450 to the present, excluding the United States and Canada. Coverage is very broad and takes in many areas including: religion, anthropology, sociology, cultural studies, political science, the arts, law, education and geneology. Published since 1954.
Provides indexing and full text of Canadian business and current affairs material.
Indexes and provides fulltext access to major Canadian newspapers. Full text is available for the articles and transcripts but graphical material (photos, illustrations, graphs, etc.) is excluded. Classified ads, advertisements, and stock market reports are also excluded.
Includes Canadian magazines, newspapers, newswires and reference books. This database includes leading Canadian periodicals and international (U.S. and U.K) periodicals in full text; full text reference books; full text biographies and an Image Collection. Updated daily.
Also known as: |Canadian Periodicals Index Quarterly (CPI.Q.)| CPI.Q. indexes titles with full text articles from periodicals (covering 1995 to present) as well as Gale Research reference data and the full text of selected sections of The Globe and Mail. CPI.Q. indexes Canadian and International journals, magazines, newspapers, and other references covering a broad range of topics, from current affairs and technology to arts and culture, geography, history,business and more.
Also known as: |Men's Studies|Women's Studies International| Combines NISC's Women's Studies International and Men's Studies databases with the coverage of sexual diversity issues. Also includes relevant contributions from NISC's Child Development & Adolescent Studies as well as Family & Society Studies Worldwide databases.
Also includes Epub Ahead of Print, In-Process & Other Non-Indexed Citations and Ovid MEDLINE® Daily
MEDLINE (1946 to the present) covers the world's biomedical and health sciences journal literature. The type of information contained in MEDLINE ranges from the basic biomedical sciences like anatomy, physiology, biochemistry to clinical information outlining the nature and course of disease or injury, as well as its treatment.