Puppets can be found fastest in the library catalogue by using a combination of terms, such as:
You can further restrict the results by choosing the puppet nature, such as owl:
puppet AND toy AND owl in subject
In your search results, the puppets are the items with Non-Print Resources in the Publication Type. You may also want to limit your search by library location. Or for fun, come on by to browse our puppet collection or browse our puppet inventory from home!
You can find books on puppets and puppetry using the Library Catalogue. Puppet and puppetry resources can be found fastest by using a combination of terms such as:
Puppets OR Puppetry in subject
The above search will also catch a few actual puppets in the result list. If you only want books, we would recommend limiting the search results by Publication Type (found in the left side bar).
You can also search for books on puppets and puppetry using the terms in subject: