How to Research

Frameworks for Evaluating Information

In a world full of misinformation and disinformation, critical evaluation is crucial for ensuring the sources you use provide high-quality, accurate information from multiple perspectives. There are many different frameworks for evaluating information. Some rely on vertical reading, and others encourage lateral reading.

Lateral Reading

Lateral reading is like being a detective. Instead of digging deep into a single source (say, an article or a website), you're hopping around multiple tabs, checking the credibility of the source against what other reputable sources are saying. It's a holistic approach to verifying information. – Educators for Technology

Here are examples of frameworks that use lateral reading:


Vertical Reading

You find a source and read it top to bottom, perhaps even taking notes or highlighting important sections. When it comes to vertical reading, your level of trust is often dependent on what that single course tells you. This can be problematic, especially if the source has an agenda. – Educators for Technology

Here are examples of frameworks that primarily use vertical reading: