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Systematic Reviews, Scoping Reviews, and Health Technology Assessments - Searching the Literature


Covidence is a web-based systematic review manager that provides a platform for importing and independent screening of article records. The software supports the use of customized forms for risk of bias assessment and data extraction and exporting of references and data. The University of Alberta Library now provides unlimited access to Covidence to U of A affiliates.  

Request a Covidence account (that is linked to the UofA account)

Sign into Covidence (after creating account)

Once you set up your Covidence account, you can create Covidence projects and invite co-reviewers to participate in them. While the person creating the Covidence project must be a U of Alberta affiliate, those from other institutions can be invited to participate in reviews. Visit the Covidence website and/or view the Covidence video below for information about how this product can be used to support systematic reviews.