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Searching the Library

To find resources pertinent to the practise of Dramaturgy, search the Library with any combination and/or variation of the following (non-comprehensive) terms

  • Subject: dramaturg*
    [adding the asterisk to the end of your search term evokes a search function called truncation: this brings back results with words that have all the initial characters "dramaturg" PLUS any combination of other characters; e.g. you will get results with words such as "dramaturgy", "dramaturgical", "dramaturges", "dramaturgs", etc...]


  • Keyword (all fields): ?? what other element are you seeking information about ??, e.g.:
    • production, design, choreography, history, etc...
    • 17th, 18th, 19th, etc... or seventeenth, eighteenth, etc...
    • English, French, German, etc...
    • Indigenous, Native, Indian, etc...
    • Baroque, Renaissance, Shakespear*, etc
    • Dance, Electronic, Performing arts, etc...

Select Library Databases with Historical Documents (including plays)

Many historical documents have been digitized and are available through databases provided by University of Alberta Library or that are on the internet. Some select databases for finding historical documents:

To find more, you can browse our A-Z list of databases using the following keywords:

  • 17th, 18th, 19th, etc...
  • seventeenth, eighteenth, etc...
  • English, French, German, etc...
  • Indigenous, Native, Indian, etc...

NB: These terms, combined with the type of document you are searching for, e.g. newspapers, letters, prose, drama, will also work well in a Google search.