- Papers of Sir Joseph Banks (also available on microfiche: History of Science and Technology. Series Two: The Papers of Sir Joseph Banks, 1743-1820)
- Papers of Lord Sandwich, 1718-1792, Papers of Sir Edmund Barton, etc.
- Trove: Diaries, Archives, Letters
Search in the Library Catalogue and include subject keywords that describe the type of document, such as:
Keyword: Australia and (coloni$ or pioneer$) and (letters or correspondence or personal narratives or sources)
Search in the Library Catalogue for a historical figure as an author, ie:
Author: Flinders, Matthew, 1774-1814
Author: Chisholm, Caroline
To find books that are collections of primary sources, search for keywords that describe your topic, combined with subject keywords such as sources, documents, diaries, etc.
Example Searches:
Subject: sources or correspondence or diaries or letters
Subject: history and Australia
Keyword: Van Diemen's Land
Subject: sources or correspondence or diaries or letters
Library Guide to Government Information
Library guide to British Government Information
Trove: Historical Newspapers and more
Gale News Vault
Covers Newspaper collections from the 17th through 21s centuries