There are many ways the U of A Library can help to make your work more open. The most common areas the Library supports Open Science are:
Open Data
The Library provides support for finding open data, depositing your data in an open repository and managing your research data. More information can be found on the Data Management page. The Library also hosts Dataverse, an open data repository where you can share copies of your data (and keep previous versions).
Support for open data deposit is provided by the UAL data team (
Publishing Open Access
Article Processing Charge Support
Most Open Access journals and journals with Open Access options charge article processing charges (APCs), with authors required to pay a fee to cover publishing costs. Wherever possible, the University of Alberta Library negotiates license agreements with publishers who will provide U of A authors with free OA publishing or discounts on APCs, as part of our ongoing subscriptions. The list of all publishers who provide APC-free or APC-discounted publishing for U of A authors is available on the Article Processing Charge Support page.
Finding Open Access Journals
You can contact your subject librarian for help finding OA journals, or you can use the following resources:
University of Alberta Institutional Repositories
ERA (Education and Research Archive) - ERA provides an easy and convenient solution for faculty who must deposit their research in an open access repository to meet funding agency requirements.
Aviary - is an audiovisual platform that allows for controlled access to streaming video and audio files and their associated transcripts. Examples of existing collection materials in Aviary include oral histories, interviews, event recordings, musical performances, radio and television broadcasts and open educational resources.
If you have questions about how to deposit materials to ERA or Aviary, please contact
Open Educational Resources
UAL provides support finding and publishing Open Educational Resources, including Open Textbooks. The Library can find OER suitable to your course materials and provides no-fee publishing services for creating or adapting open textbooks and other OER. For more information visit Open Educational Resources or contact library.publishing@
Open Journal Publishing
The University of Alberta Library Publishing provides significant support to over 60 Canadian open access journals through our no-fee publishing program. We provide web hosting for journals using the Open Journal Systems (OJS) publishing software. All journals partnering with the Library in this program operate under a “Diamond Open Access” model and do not charge fees to authors.
For more information visit Library Publishing or email