Access to the University of Alberta Library Online Resources
To ensure the security of our networked services, the University of Alberta Library requires authentication for the use of all public workstations. Patrons are required to authenticate with a CCID or a Library Network Access ID. Campus Computing IDs (CCIDs) are issued to the University's students, faculty, and staff by Information Services and Technology (IST), while Library Network Access IDs are issued by Library staff at a Service Desk for those patrons without a current primary or guest relationship to the University of Alberta (e.g. members of the general public, students from other educational institutions). Once authenticated, navigate to the online resource of choice through the Library Homepage and log in using your Campus Computing ID (CCID) or Library Network Access ID.
Off Campus (remote) access
Access to many of the resources on the University of Alberta Library website are restricted to students, faculty, and staff. Navigate to the online resource of choice through the Library Homepage and log in using your Campus Computing ID (CCID) and associated password.
The Library uses an application called EZProxy to manage off-campus authentication to our resources
The University of Alberta Library provides access to numerous online resources that are licensed from online vendors/publishers. Due to our vendor/publisher licensing requirements, links to online resources must include a prefix that prompts for authentication for off-campus access. The Library uses an application called EZProxy to manage off-campus authentication to our resources. The EZProxy prefix must be added to links to content for which off-campus access is required.
For example, the following is a URL for an online article:
Once the EZProxy prefix is included, the link appears as:
This guide provides tips on the various methods for ensuring your links include the EZProxy prefix. Some databases provide an option for a permanent link that includes the EZProxy prefix, while most others do not, requiring one to build an EZProxy-enabled link to the content. Many databases, such as Lexicomp, do not provide a method for linking to content or building a link to access the content directing, necessitating an alternate means of reference.
Each tab on this guide provides a different method of obtaining URLs (links) that contain the EZProxy prefix or allow one to build an EZProxy-enabled link. Which method you choose depends on the type of resource you link to (e-journal, e-book, media) and the vendor/publisher providing access to the resource. In some situations, more than one method may be used, allowing the user to select the method preferred.