Below are some databases useful specifically for archaeology:
Also known as: |HRAF Collection of Archaeology|eHRAF Collection of Archaeology| Cross-cultural database containing descriptive information on archaeological traditions of the world. Source documents include books, articles, and dissertations.
Also known as: |Database of Classical Bibliography|Année philologique|
Bibliography of classical literature and modern scholarship on classical literature. Published by the Société Internationale de Bibliographie Classique.
Covers the history and culture of Indigenous North Americans including archaeology, multicultural relations, gaming, governance, legend and literacy.
Depending on your topic, you may also find the following guides useful in your research:
Below are some databases useful specifically for biological/physical anthropology:
The Web of Science platform provides online access to their core Citation Indexes, and also hosts a number of subject-specific databases.
Also known as: |Biological Abstracts| BIOSIS Citation Index adds citation analysis functionality to BIOSIS Previews. This analysis is more specific in focus than that provided within the BIOSIS Previews database, and useful for researchers who wish to limit citation analysis to Life Sciences publications. BIOSIS Previews combines the content from Biological Abstracts (Journals) and Biological Abstracts/RRM (Reports, Reviews, and Meetings).
Also includes Epub Ahead of Print, In-Process & Other Non-Indexed Citations and Ovid MEDLINE® Daily
MEDLINE (1946 to the present) covers the world's biomedical and health sciences journal literature. The type of information contained in MEDLINE ranges from the basic biomedical sciences like anatomy, physiology, biochemistry to clinical information outlining the nature and course of disease or injury, as well as its treatment.
Depending on your topic, you may also find the following guides useful in your research:
Below are some databases useful specifically for linguistic anthropology:
LLBA (1973 to the present) provides access to the world's literature in linguistics and its various subdisciplines. It covers articles and book reviews from journals, as well as conference proceedings, associations papers, and selected dissertations. The database provides descriptive abstracts for most records.
MLA International Bibliography (mainly abstracts) (1926 to the present) covers literature in English and in other modern languages; linguistics; folklore. It includes books (and chapters in books), journal articles, conference papers, and dissertations concerning general and comparative literature, linguistics in general and of all modern languages, all modern literatures, and folklore. No abstracts are provided, and there are no listings for book reviews.
Depending on your topic, you may also find the following guides useful in your research:
Below are some databases useful specifically for sociocultural anthropology:
Includes full text and streaming video content in |Ethnographic Video Online| and |Anthropology Online| from Alexander Street Press.
Looking for Ethnographies?
Ethnographies can be difficult to locate using library search tools.
Here are some tips for searching for them:
Depending on your topic, you may also find the following guides useful in your research:
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