A comprehensive and detailed reference guide on the integrity and safety of oil and gas pipelines, both onshore and offshore. Covers a wide variety of topics, including design, pipe manufacture, pipeline welding, human factors, residual stresses, mechanical damage, fracture and corrosion, protection, inspection and monitoring, pipeline cleaning, direct assessment, repair, risk management, and abandonment.
Web Of Science Core Collection includes Citation Indexes for Arts & Humanities, Sciences, Social Sciences
Provides indexing, abstracting of and citation linking to journals in science, technology, medicine, and the social sciences.
This is the worlds largest database for the identification of physical and chemical properties in Materials Science. It covers data from Materials Science, Physics, Physical and Inorganic Chemistry, Engineering and other related fields. It supports research in the fields of bulk and fine chemical manufacturing, petroleum and petrochemicals, semiconductors and electronic materials, optical metals, ceramics, polymer synthesis and processing, and materials for fuels and energy application.
Knovel contains engineering-focused reference works and textbooks. Users can find data hidden in tables, graphs, and equations. Includes interactive tables, equation plotters, charts and graphs that can be manipulated and exported into other tools such as Excel.
AccessEngineering features full text ebook content from McGraw-Hill engineering publications.