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Where to start?

Starting a literature review? Need a few good articles for a class assignment? A good review of the literature review usually includes searching one or more health sciences databases - and possibly other subject specific databases. Lay out your search strategy using PICO before you start your database search.

Struggling with conducting your literature review? Check out this guide on the Steps to Conducting a Literature Review:

Health Sciences Databases

For systematic, scoping, or other types of synthesis reviews, Medline via OVID is the preferred platform for searching. 

Subject Specific Databases


Indigenous Health 

Indigenous health literature can be found in many different databases but can be tricky to search for. Check out the Health Sciences Search Filters: Indigenous Peoples page for help. 


Public Health and Health Policy 

Dissertations and Theses Databases

Database Tutorials

Need help searching Medline via OVID? The Gerstein Health Sciences Library at the University of Toronto has excellent video tutorials to help guide you through the mechanics of using this database, and others!