Audio, Video & Gaming Resources

A guide to finding audio and video resources for all subjects.

ERA & Aviary Institutional Repositories

ERA and Aviary (a streaming platform formerly known as ERA A/V) comprise the University of Alberta's institutional archive of scholarly output.

Note: due to copyright considerations, some collections in Aviary are only searchable after logging in with your active CCID.

Finding Streaming Content

You will find audio and/or video resources on the platforms listed below. The categories outlined on this page are arbitrary at best, due to the multi-disciplinary nature of many of our audio and video resources, but hopefully they will help you get started.

General Resources

Adam Matthew has many unique collections featuring audio and video from archives around the world. Individual collections are listed alphabetically on the AM home page:

  • Age of Exploration
  • First World War
  • Food and Drink in History
  • Literary Print Culture: The Stationers’ Company Archive
  • Medical Services and Warfare
  • Popular Culture in Britain and America, 1950-1975: Rock and Roll, Counterculture, Peace and Protest
  • Race Relations in America
  • Socialism on Film
  • Victorians on Film: Entertainment, Innovation and Everyday Life

Alexander Street provides access to a number of primary sources in video and audio. Navigate to individual collections by clicking "Menu" in the upper left corner, then click on "My Collections":

  • African Diaspora: 1860 to Present
  • Food Studies Online
  • Global Issues Library
  • Mass Incarceration and Prison Studies
  • The Sixties: Primary Documents and Personal Narratives 1960 - 1974
  • Women and Social Movements in Modern Empires since 1820
  • Women and Social Movements Library
  • Women and Social Movements, International - 1840 to Present

Alexander Street- All Video Collections is a film database covering a multitude of collections relating to historical and cultural studies. Navigate to individual collections by clicking on the Menu bar in the upper left corner, then click on "Collections":

  • 60 MINUTES: 1997-2014
  • American History in Video
  • Art and Architecture in Video
  • Black Studies in Video
  • Border and Migration Studies Online
  • Caribbean Studies in Video: The Banyan Archive
  • Environmental Issues Online
  • Environmental Studies in Video
  • Ethnographic Sound Archives Online
  • Ethnographic Video Online
  • Fashion Studies Online: The Videofashion Library
  • Health and Society in Video
  • Human Rights Studies Online
  • March of Time
  • Security Issues Online
  • World History in Video
  • World Newsreels Online: 1929–1966

All of the resources listed below have content for various professional training and curriculum needs. iPortal: Indigenous Studies Portal Research Tool and National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation Archives are openly available websites on the internet.

There are many streaming databases that provide content for training and curriculum. However, databases listed in the other tabs, especially Indigenous Content, Music & Concerts, Theatre & Dance, and TV/Films & Documentaries also contain resources useful for training and curricular purposes.

General Resources



Counselling & Psychology


Medical/Health Care

Alexander Street - All Collections:

Alexander Street - All Video Collections:

Alexander Street - All Video Collections: