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APA Citation Style (7th Edition)

Books, chapters, and other longer works

Authored book (print or in a library database, with no DOI)

Ayers, H. (1998). Classroom management: A practical approach for primary and secondary teachers. Fulton.

(APA Publication Manual, 2020, p. 321)

Authored Book (with a DOI)

Kanagavel, R. (2019). The social lives of networked students: Mediated connections. Palgrave Macmillan.

(APA Publication Manual, 2020, p. 321)

Authored Book (published in ERIC)

Parsons, J. (Ed.). (1986). Social Reconstructionism and the Alberta Social Studies Curriculum (ED277600). ERIC.  

Chapter in an edited book (print or in a library database, with no DOI)

Cohen, D. K., & Barnes, C. A. (1993). Pedagogy and policy. In D. K. Cohen, M. W. McLaughlin, & J. E. Talbert (Eds.), Teaching for understanding: Challenges for policy and practice (pp. 207-239). Jossey-Bass.

(APA Publication Manual, 2020, p. 326)

Encyclopedia or Dictionary Entry with no author (print or in a library database, with no DOI)

Portugal. (2007).  In J. J. Arnett (Ed.), International encyclopedia of adolescence (Vol. 2, pp. 795-812). Routlege.

(APA Publication Manual, 2020, p. 328)

Translated Book

Bolano, R. (2012). The savage detectives (N. Wimmer, Trans.). Picador. (Original work published 1998)

(APA Publication Manual, 2020, p. 323)

Conference Proceedings

Van Sertima, I. (Ed.) (1985). Nile Valley civilizations: Proceedings of the Nile Valley Conference, Atlanta, Sept. 26-30, 1984. Journal of African Civilizations.

(APA Publication Manual, 2020, p. 332)

Dissertation or Thesis (in a library database)

Figueredo, L. (2006). Children's use of the spell checker during the composing process (Publication No. NR23026) [Doctoral dissertation, University of Alberta]. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global.

(APA Publication Manual, 2020, p. 334)

Children’s Book with Illustrator

To cite a book with an illustrator, list the illustrator in parentheses following the book's title.

Reference example:

Robertson, D. A. (2021). On the trapline (J. Flett, Illus.). Tundra Books.

In-text citation, parenthetical: (Robertson, 2021)
In-text citation, narrative: Robertson (2021)

See APA Style's Children’s Book or Other Illustrated Book References for examples on citing a book with the author as illustrator, and the anniversary edition of a book. 

DOIs and URLs

(See sections 9.34 to 9.36 of the APA Publication Manual, 7th ed.)

Citing Secondary Sources

If you are referring to an author's work that is quoted in a secondary source, name the original author in the in-text citation, followed by (as cited in secondary source, date).  

For example, if you want to cite Smith's idea, which you read about in Jones' book, you would provide an in-text citation for Smith's study: (Smith, as cited in Jones, 2002). In the reference list, include a reference only for Jones' book.

(See section 8.6 of the APA Publication Manual, 7th ed.)