Refer to Section 8.8 of the APA Publication Manual, 7th edition, and the APA Style website for information on classroom resources.
If you are writing an assignment for a class whose members all have access to the LMS (i.e., eClass, a Learning Management System), cite the work as well as the name of the LMS and the URL (to the login page, not the full URL).
Jones, S. (2019, January 22). An introduction to the limbic system [PowerPoint Slides]. eClass.
(Example from APA Citation Style QuickGuide.)
Course Packs
Refer to Section 10.3 of the APA Publication Manual, 7th edition, and the APA Style website for information on citing course packs.
For articles or book chapters in a course pack:
If the material in the course pack comes from another source, cite the source directly (the same way you would cite it if it wasn’t in a course pack). There is no need to indicate it was reproduced in a course pack.
For original materials in a course pack:
If the material in the course pack is not from an otherwise available source, follow the format for edited book chapters. Include the author of the material, the year of the course pack, the title of the material, the instructor’s name (as editor), and the title of the course pack.
Follow this format:
Name, A. (Date). Writing sample in a course pack. In B. Name (Ed.), ENG 101: Name of the course (pp. - pp. ). University of Alberta.